People over the age of fifty-five tell pollsters they are more afraid of Alzheimer’s than of cancer. Yet scientific research is revealing numerous things you and I can do to prevent dementia and its most-feared form, Alzheimer’s disease. And this blog is devoted to telling people the many things scientists say we can do to stay sharp all our lives.
Most of us read items about preventing Alzheimer’s in magazines or newspapers, but researchers’ advice often mirrors the advice our mothers and doctors have been giving us all along. And the whole thing slides past us. You’ll find here, however, a COMPILATION of Alzheimer’s prevention items, all based in the scientific research, which compilation should be more memorable.
These ways of avoiding Alzheimer’s cover a wide range of activities: the way we eat, how much we exercise, and the way we take care of our health. I’ll report about all these ways to keep our minds sharp, along with the promising medical treatments starting to come out for those who already have the disease.