Friday, January 9, 2009

Prevent Alzheimer's By Your Diet

An astonishing study from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine showed that subjects who drank fruit and vegetable juice three or more times per week cut their risk of Alzheimer’s by a whopping 76 percent, compared to those who drank juices less than once per week. Which research results suddenly made the simple act of drinking fruit or vegetable juice appear to be one of the best ways to avoid Alzheimer’s!

For the study, part of the Kame Project, the researchers identified 1,836 dementia-free subjects in the Seattle population, and collected information on their dietary consumption of fruit and vegetable juices. They then assessed cognitive function every two years for up to 10 years, coming up with the surprising results described above.

These particular Kame Project results, which were reported in 2006, sent researchers in new directions. They have resulted in further important discoveries about Alzheimer’s prevention – which discoveries will be covered in later posts.