Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prevent Alzheimer's With "Good" Cholesterol

We hear so much about the “bad” kind that we forget the good – that is, the HDL – cholesterol. Yet, in a study summarized in MED HEADLINES, researchers found “that a high level of HDL lowers the risk of heart attack, aids numerous biological processes, removes excess cholesterol from the bloodstream, helps nerve cells develop, and controls the production of beta-amyloid. Alzheimer’s disease patients have a build-up . . . of beta-amyloid.”

We find more evidence that good cholesterol staves off memory loss and dementia in the British Whitehall II study segment in which 3,673 British civil servants were analyzed regarding the effect of HDL on memory function as they got older. A key finding: At 55 years of age, participants with low levels of HDL were at 53% higher risk of impaired memory than those with high levels of HDL.

What Foods Are Rich in Good Cholesterol?

"Bad" cholesterol hangs out in popular foods like fatty meat and cheese. Good cholesterol is plentiful in olive and other vegetable oils, avocados, and nuts. (And, yes, the healthful qualities of the newly popular Mediterranean Diet have quite a bit to do with the good cholesterol in it.)

WEIGHT WATCHERS advocated a low-fat diet for years – until this information about good cholesterol came out. Now they advocate small amounts of olive oil, avocado, or nuts as part of a reducing diet. And, you know, when my husband and I tried that, we found that the little bit of oil left us feeling much more satisfied for much longer and kept us on our diet.

This excellent article by the MAYO CLINIC expands the good-cholesterol list with oatmeal and fish.

Healthy Recipes With Good Cholesterol

When I tried to find some healthy recipes for the kind of fish that is rich in omega-3s, even Google failed me. I kept hitting one earnest explanation of omega-3s after another, but no recipes . . . until I found MARTHA STEWART. She has some delicious ones.

I had no such problem with avocados. Avocado recipes abound, and here is the largest selection of good avocado recipes I found, at AVOCADO.ORG, of course.